
Unmetric Visual Identity is more than a logo: it stands for who we are and what we aim for. Our logo is a visual representation of our brand, our values, and our commitment to be the best in social analytics. The round corners in our logo represents people behind Unmetric, while the straight corners represent the innovation, AI, and machine learning we use to bring social media insights to our customers.

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There are 2 variations of Unmetric Visual Identity:

1. Unmetric Wordmark

Unmetric Wordmark is the most common and clear expression of Unmetric Visual Identity. It must be used for all external facing communications and collateral, including website and blog. Use of Unmetric Wordmark must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always follow color, clearance and alignment rules
  2. Don’t use it with Unmetric UN
  3. Don’t alter, rotate, or modify Unmetric Wordmark
  4. Don’t use older version of Unmetric Wordmark
  5. Do not use a drop shadow

2. Unmetric UN

Unmetric UN is mainly for internal use, most commonly in our products and UDS (Unmetric design system). It is not for external use as it doesn’t clearly represent Unmetric, especially to those who don’t know us already. Use of Unmetric UN must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always follow color, clearance and alignment rules
  2. Don’t use it with Unmetric Wordmark
  3. Don’t alter, rotate, or modify Unmetric Wordmark
  4. Don’t use older version of Unmetric icon (the one with U)
  5. Do not use a drop shadow

Logo colors

  1. Always either indigo or white as shown above
  2. Never show in black or any other color
  3. Use white version on a background image or colored background
  4. Use indigo version on white and light colored backgrounds

Clear space, alignment and minimum size